Best practices for mobile app implementation?

Hi @mac1,

The two main implementations in terms of structuring your Bubble app as a mobile app are single-page and multi-page. There are advantages and drawbacks to both.

Single-page will make your app “feel” faster since your app only has to load one webpage. A drawback to this method is that if you have a very complex application, having tons and tons of nested Bubble elements on one page can potentially slow down your development cycles.

Multi-page is easier to build with, as it’s just like building a normal Bubble app that is optimized for mobile. However, you could run into loading issues moving from screen-to-screen if you don’t have a great solution for that.

Check out our native app builder at Codeless Academy. Our solution is built to handle both implementations incredibly well, and we just added native loading transitions/animations this week. Our native transitions are so seamless, some people might not even believe it’s built on Bubble :shushing_face:

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