Birthday date - one day before


I am struggling about dates.
I ask for birthdate to (French only) users with a form. I use a field with the content format: Date_2
After user’s typing, I save this data in a table with date format.

Sometimes, Bubble saves the correct date, and sometimes Bubble saves the date with one day before the typed date.

What should I do to keep always the correct date?

Yes, I had something very similar happen last week.

Timezone, is the answer and also the problem. Can you duplicate and send a bug report?
Bubble server is in AWS Oregon.

I think @JohnMark is correct… Because Bubble adjusts dates for timezone, the default behavior doesn’t work for dates that should NEVER be adjusted for timezone, like a birthdate.

I think the easiest workaround is to store the date as text, but this only works if you don’t need to do date type comparisons and/or calculations. It works for simple lookup of birthday though.

I wanted to maintain the “dateness” so for birth dates I always convert to UTC… much more on that including some alternatives here: An "Easy" Way to Convert Bubble Date/Times to the Same Date, but in a Different Timezone

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