Hi guys,
I have an app/website which is dynamic and has various domains pointed to via coalias. For some reason, when i load betterconnect.world via my android/mobile devices chrome browser, chrome treats it as an app and downloads it as an app. Displays the favicon on page load similar to an app etc.
However when i load the same page/site via any of my other domains it just treats it like a website & does not download it as a pwa/app?
Here are some examples:
betterconnect.world - this one downloads as an app
redesim.tech - this one doesnt
connectmyesim.com - this one doesnt
wyncellesim.com - this one doesnt
etc etc
Does anyone know why this could be? i cannot see any difference between the two sites on page. Both formatted with same page type/settings etc (its literally the same page just a different domain pointed)
Any advice appreciated.