Two issues with mobile PWA

Hi everyone,

Here is the app I have built for mobile:

There are two things I’m trying to solve before it’s finished:

  1. I want the login/sign up form to show when the page is loaded - I can’t seem to get this to work without it negatively impacting other parts of the app?

  2. The bottom navigation scrolls with the screen & isn’t fixed, how do I solve this? Sometimes when you click outside of the menu, scrolling will make the entire app scroll rather than the menu itself.

Any help much appreciated - delivering this project today.

thanks guys!

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Hi @josef,

  1. Can’t really help you without knowing how you manage the “hide and show” states of your elements. Yet I can suggest you tick the “show on load” option for the signup group (view) and untick it for all the other groups (views).

  2. Try using a floating group with the configuration “float to bottom and left and above elements”. Place it at the very bottom of your page and that should do the trick.

