πŸ’…πŸ» Bubble Editor Customiser - Chrome extension for Bubble

Hey everyone :wave:t2:

Since the launch of the new elements tree, I have been wanting to change the way it looks. For me, it was a bit too crowded and taking a bit too much space. I made a little Chrome extension for myself to change the height of elements and then showed it off to a few friends on Twitter.

A bunch of people commented suggestions on that post and it ended up becoming a full on Chrome Extension for the Editor where you can change:
:one: The height of the element tree items;
:two: The padding of the element tree items;
:three: Whether you can see/hide the icons of the elements tree;
:four: Clean up the top of the editor (hide gift icon, element picker dropdown, hide components, hide arrange dropdown, etc);
:five::boom: Make the top left Bubble logo unclickable.

:video_camera: Quick video showcase from Twitter.

The extension is completely free and you can get it here if you like: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/bubbleio-editor-customise/ombekibmkggioiafdfpbfmhndiibeoek

I’m planning to also add a Workflow counter and Dark Mode to the Editor in the future :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any suggestions!


Excellent extension, congratulations!

One suggestion would be to add the possibility to increase the width of the element tree.

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Nice job !

Countless time I clicked by error on this top left Bubble button, so frustrating.

Thanks for sharing this !


so great @tarasmuzon . Thank you

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Can you increase the width of the inputs in the db editor, element editor, options set section.

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@Nilson144p Thank you! Re width - do you mean like this:

@chad Great idea, just tried it in DB and it’s possible. Will add in the next update :slight_smile:

Updated to version 1.0.2 as class names have changed after Bubble Boosts update. Extension should be back to normal soon.

How did you go making everything wider, I had a crack but it appears whoever wrote the front end of bubble made a complete mess, if only they had the responsive editor backend they could have made themselves a more responsive and editable front end :joy:

:boom: Added more prominent colours to the new workflow tab

Added functionality to change the opacity of workflow colours