Anyone interested in doing a meetup in the NYC area?
If you’re interested, feel free to just like this post or send me a quick message with your name and email. Also it would be awesome to know your rough skill level on Bubble (beg/int/adv) and your professional background (e.g. Beginner Bubbler + Mobile Product Design or Int. Bubbler & Front-end dev in healthcare). The most interesting thing about Bubblers to me is that they all typically bring something else to the table besides just being able to build apps using Bubble – as great as that skill is standalone @emmanuel
For me - Advanced Bubbler + Late-stage tech VC in ecommerce, SAAS, and media. Look forward to hearing from you all! Also – I’m hiring beg, int & advanced devs for both full-time and contract work! Designers & content marketers too!
I’m creating an app in Bubble that enables anyone to create speed networking events, run over video conference. Was thinking it’d make sense for me to set a number of events up so Bubble user’s can meet one another, and it has the added benefit of enabling people to meet over video from anywhere in the world.
Let me know if you’d be interested and if there’s enough interest, I’ll set up some events to start next week or the week after.
This would be great to try if we can get a reasonable response on this thread (maybe @emmanual has a way to push this to the top of the forum summary email =). Have you tried integrating the Facebook Live API yet? Or is the thought to make it a one-to-one/one-to-many, rotating video-chat model? I’ve been meaning to see if I can make the Live API work with Bubble…
It’s one-to-one video chat, with rotating sessions. We match people based on their preferences as well, so perhaps we could do it by location or level of experience with Bubble.
I’d be in. I’m a non-technical developer that is in the process of finishing the first build-out of my healthcare tech product, and live 50 minutes outside NYC.
I would be down to go to this if I’m home from college when it happens (this week or late December, early January). Live about an hour outside the city as well.