Bubble.io and Xano - A Quick Share of My Experience

See, all those features of authentications and buckets are available through API in Supabase and I don’t know why people will buy that, just for convenience i think

Yes until your application is running in bubble you may be happy with xano but once you think that you need to get a custom application custom coded in Android or else you will of course need a place which supports that and supabase does that

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Thanks for sharing!

The WU cost of using the API connector is why. To avoid the unpredictable WU costs, people need to work through a plug-in which accesses the back-end’s SDK.

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NickDev, are you suggesting that Xano isn’t suitable for Android / iOS native app backends?
If so, can you expand on why?
My approximate plan was to prototype in Bubble, shift functionality into Xano, then explore syncing apps with Xano separately (or similar).

Go through

And then

U will find the difference also compare the pricing :v:

Everyone here is talking about supabase
What about it, is it low code?
Can someone send a 5-10 minutes Loom on how the basics works? (DB, Function, Logic, API)

And about the other comments, My point was that bubble backend is not good, And I like xano instead, and there may as well be 20 better options than xano.