Connecting Bubble to a Xano backend


I am building a Bubble webapp and would like to connect it to a Xano backend. I have a couple of questions before I build out the backend and would love to learn from folks who have implemented this stack.


I have setup Sign in with Linkedin using the API connector within Bubble. Xano supports oauth with Linkedin but my question is will it create a new account every time the user signs in with Linkedin?

Current User:

I have built most of the functionality of the webapp within bubble and I realize the current user attribute is super helpful. How can I leverage the current user when using a Xano backend?

Backend Structure:

Looking for recommendations on how to structure the backend. What should I store within Bubble vs what should I store in Xano? I am leaning towards storing the user table and oauth flows within Bubble and all the other tables in Xano

Thank you in advance