Bubble.io sub domain option

Hi there,
I knew that a while ago there was a option to deploy your site as https://[sitename].bubble.io
Is this still possible? :slightly_smiling_face:

You mean like this right? betoncrude.bubbleapps.io

If yes, yes. I just deployed this site.

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Yes! How to do that? It is a long time ago i worked with bubble :joy:

For deploying live, if you’re on a free plan, not possible. If you’re on a paid plain, just deploy your app to live.

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Ah ok. It was possible to do it with a free plan, but not anymore then… Thanks for the answer!

I’m on a free plan and deployed the above site. Look at the top right corner in the Editor, you’ll see a dropdown with initial value “Development”. Click on it and Click on “Deploy to live”.

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Well, it says this:

We had an error deploying your app: Your plan does not let you deploy to live. Please upgrade to a higher plan

Why did it let me deploy it? :neutral_face:

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Idk, but look at this video

You’re probably on a legacy free plan. New free plans cannot deploy live.

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My account is online for some years, so why could i not deploy it?

I have created my account probably in July or Aug last year. I started working on the above application 5 days ago and successfully deployed it today.:no_mouth:

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Thats weird… Imma try create a new account and see what happens then…

Doesn’t work either

What does your plan say on your app?

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Keep in mind that plans are tied to apps, not to accounts. If you created a new app, you don’t have access to legacy pricing plans. If your app was created a long time ago, you can still use the legacy pricing plans from that time period.

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Alright. I’m gonna try it with HTML because that has less struggles like this… Ty all for the help!