Bubble.is down?

Im having trouble logging on to bubble.is, even just the mainhomepage…its giving me the error:

Your browser was unable to load some necessary resources, contact your IT network administrator and ask him or her to allow access to


anyone else?

both from laptop and from phone…

Yes, same here :frowning:

I’m in Edinburgh. That’s what I’m seeing

It works in Slovenia, maybe it’s the net.

Every time I’ve seen this the fix was clearing all cache/cookies in browser and flushing DNS on your OS over command line. I believe it happens when Cloudfront changes endpoints for the main Bubble app at bubble.is and your computer wants to load previously stored connections.

Edit: sometimes this won’t fix the issue and could be a Cloudfront issue, reminded by my own post :slight_smile: Unable to load editor on Dedicated instance

Same in South Africa. On Firefox and Chrome. I’ll try flush cache on Firefox; don’t want to get signed out of all my accounts :expressionless:

But it’s odd that my app’s editor loads if you go to the link. But the Bubble homepage is down, so can’t make a new app :frowning:

Same here, i am in London, Uk.

I’m not having issues in the US., specifically based in Washington DC area.

ditto- London, UK

@emmanuel Any word on when it might be fixed?

We’re looking into it, Cloudfront seems to be hitting issues.

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Can this be the issue that we are facing?

I’ve confirmed Bubble is now accessible in the UK. Are people still hitting problems in other regions?

working in the UK

Back to normal for me too. In France

South Africa is up too! Thanks guys!

I’m calling this fixed. Sorry about the downtime… will post a postmortem to status.bubble.is later explaining what happened and how we’re fixing it down the line.


All good again :slight_smile:

interesting to note that all the sites I checked to ascertain if it was only me When this originally reared its head, those which I know are on a dedicated plan were unaffected.