Bubble Mobile Apps Editor Roadmap and Timeline

I’ve been fortunate enough to have access to the mobile beta for a few weeks. It is going to be so awesome for us Bubblers.

But keep in mind that it is very much in beta now. Native features that your clients will require are simply not available to us yet—whether they’re built and hidden or just not built yet.

Looking closely at the Bubble Docs, you can see a whole section on Native mobile apps. Read even closer, and you can understand what is available so far. Also, look at the November Community Update and see what Josh is highlighting as a priority on this front…

My take is that the team is prioritizing the foundation stabilization before pumping out native features and elements, which makes complete sense. I also agree with the slow rollout of the beta list because they would get slapped with support tickets if they did larger batches.


  • It is going to be awesome
  • It’s very much still in beta
  • you’re going to need to be patient for a bit longer as they are going the proper development route versus rushing an underbaked release with issues