Bubble rich text element - delay on recognising content


I am trying to use the bubble rich text pluginbut there seems to be a delay between adding content to the input and the input recognising there is content.

I have had to add a 2 second pause on a workflow to save the input’s content.

Has anyone else had this problem? Seems strange…

I have tried to use the watcher plugin but it’s not compatible with the rich text plugin.


That’s just how it works with all inputs in Bubble.

Do you have a specific use case that requires otherwise?

There is a plugin called instant text. I have never used it, but I think it’s supposed to solve your issue. Might want to check it out. I could be wrong though, but it’s free so whatever.

Thanks for the response. I’m building a chat feature in my app and wanted to include a rich text option. I’m seeing a lot of messages created with no content due to the time required to wait between typing a message and the input recognising the complete value.

Also, I have tested a normal input with the same workflows and have not experienced the same issue, its only with the rich text plugin that the issue occurs.

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately the plugin does not seem to work with the bubble rich text plugin.

Trigger your required workflow when the input is changed. You can’t assume something has happened until an element tells you that something has happened. This is how the web works, it’s not a Bubble thing or a specific input element thing.


Thanks Keith, are you able to provide a bit more context, I’ve seen from other replies you know this stuff inside out, and I really don’t.

The work flow i have created basically says, when user clicks button, create message with content rich text elements value.

Do i need a condition on the action to create the message? How will bubble know when user has finished their message if the workflow is listening for the input has changed?


How can one EVER know if the user is finished or not? We can’t.