Bubble Roadmap

The community has often expressed the need to know what we are up to in terms of major features. We’ve added a while back the release notes and the notifications in the editor, and we’re going one step further today and are exposing our product roadmap.

Our items are in 4 categories. What we’re working on now, what comes next, that we want to tackle after, and then the smaller, ongoing product improvements.


Awesome!! :heart_eyes:

I appreciate the transparency. Very helpful.

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I’ve worked in the software industry for many years and i’ve never seen any organisation spell out or even give a peak into their roadmap. refreshing, disruptive (that’s over used as many claim it and its actually not) Bravo Bubble…clever move in my view.


FANTASTIC!!! Much appreciated.

This roadmap is fantastic. Thanks for filling us in.

Really excited to see Bubble continue to grow and thrive!

This is really very much appreciated. Thanks for the transparency.

One question, are the items sorted on priority?

Actually, another question: will we have a say in the priority of those items? Maybe a vote system (although I’ve seen some arguments against this from you in the past, and understandably so) or even items that we as users can help finance to help prioritize?

The priority is between Now, Next and Later only, not on the lists itself


Love it. I can see some amazing things coming.

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Good work guys :+1: Have you thought about enabling a voting feature for Bubble users that are logged in?

Awesome work guys! Looking forward to “Not forcing a page refresh on app updates”, and “Publishing changes at a page level”.



Many great things incoming! :smiley:

:clap: great job Bubble!


Well thought road map, support the direction 100%

@vincent56 @emmanuel I would vote for Android Solution given a chance.

This is an awesome move, guys! As always

Good to know. Waiting for those Android features with baited breath.

Sweet! Much appreciated!

Awesome. Excited to check it out.