Bubble says DNS "all set", but site does not load

I’m trying to put my app live, in a custom domain.

In my Bubble account, it says “You’re all set. zedairlines.com is working and ready to go!”

But my site does not load, it says “DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN”.

All my DNS entries (cloudflare) are just like the instructions from Bubble. 8 dns entries in my cloudflare, 4 ‘root’ and 4 ‘www’. None of them are proxied.

Whatsmydns says it’s all good, but the site still does not work.

Can someone help me?

Hi there,

DNS records can take 24-48 hours to update around the world - I recommend using a DNS checking service like www.dnschecker.org to see if it’s showing up elsewhere.

If not, I’d also suggest reaching out directly to whoever handles your domain to see if they can assist.

It loaded for me. I see “em breve”