Bubble Spanish Speakers

Hi! There have been several attempts by some to group those Bubble users that speak Spanish. Since the Slack, LinkedIn, Facebook group, and even the forum thread had failed so far. Then…

What about if we just make a Whatsapp chat group? (Or if anyone has a better idea, lets try it.)

I believe that those who works on Spain and Latin-American markets could benefit to collaborate in large, or extra projects, where the language might be required to make things easier.

If you are interested, send me a message! :slight_smile:



Any movement on this?

Hi, Scott! Well, yeah… Some movement, I will say. We have a small Whatsapp group of 13 participants from all over (US & Latin America).

Mind adding me in? +57 300 660 9908

Hi, @CapiBalid, I am from Mexico, can you send me a private message in the forum to give you my number, please.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: :computer:

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Hola no me permite el foro mandar DM o no veo la opcion para hacerlo. Me gustaria unirme soy español y es un infierno tratar de aprender esto sin ninguna ayuda. No hay ningun material didactico en español. Un saludo

hi Cap. I’m in Costa Rica and also a fan of Bubble. I’ll send you my phone number via DM so you can please add me to the whatsapp group. :slight_smile:

Add me too +50672015677

Me podrían incorporar al grupo? +5491141944088

Me gustaría entrar al grupo de WhatsApp, estoy iniciándome en bubble
Saludos desde Cantabria- España

Este canal es de bubble en eapañol

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Hola! Posteando aquí de vez en cuando para que la comunidad iberoamericana sepa que tenemos un grupo. Me escriben si les interesa: +50767800245