I’m using Bubble’s own Stripe plugin, but getting error messages with any refund tests.
In my test account, I have successfully created the transaction and kept track of the Stripe ChargeID from the charge. However, when I try to create a refund, it gives me an error code, stating “Stripe error: No such charge.” However, I can search for the same ChargeID in my Stripe account and it pulls up flawlessly.
Are any of you using the Bubble Stripe Plugin and processing refunds successfully? What am I missing?
I’d really prefer not to pay for the Stripe Connect plugin for $250 for this one feature when the Bubble Stripe plugin’s documentation seems to show that this is as simple as using the ChargeID.
The workflow stops at this step, so only showing up until the refund. The Registration’s Stripe ChargeID is captured correctly upon checkout.
I’ve also tried to straight up paste the exact Stripe ChargeID into this workflow with the same result. Note that this exact Stripe ChargeID pulls up the charge correctly if copy/pasted into Stripe’s dashboard itself.
I see, thanks for the screenshot. The fact that you can see it on stripe (that was one of my thoughts - probably the wrong ID) likely means there is a legit bug with this step, or perhaps the error is wrong.