I responded on another topic but couldn’t resolve this so I’m trying again : I’m trying to configure the refund WF with Stripe API, and I have an error message :
But I’ve verified and the charge ID I’m sending is the same as the charge ID in Stripe paiement infos.
The WF is created on behalf of a seller account created with connect, could the issue come from here ? I tried in a private navigation page but the issue is the same
@m.guerrier Did you figure out what the issue was or find a resolution? I’m having the exact same issue. I can search and find the charge id in Stripe directly but Bubble’s Stripe plugin (Checkout v2.) says No Such Charge when trying to issue a refund. Really appreciate any help or direction you can provide.
I’m just having this issue today. Everything seems to be setup properly, but I’m getting the same error. Any luck anyone? I’m using the Stripe plugin built by Bubble.