Build chrome extension with bubble

Hi Bubblers, can I create a chrome extension with the platform? Should I develop it the same as any other bubble app?
My extension should connect to Etsy API and show information from Etsy to my user.
The user doesn’t have to be a shop owner, just a registered Etsy member.

Thank you all so very much!

Try these links:

Thank you, Im going to read these now :slight_smile:

Update: after reading through, some say it is possible, some don’t
I understand its not an easy job if you are not a coder.

Just resurrecting an old topic with updated info that might be relevant for others looking to do something similar…

Technically, no - at least not with the Bubble platform alone. However, a Bubble page can be wrapped / hosted inside a Chrome extension such that the Bubble page is effectively the extension’s UI. Depending on the functionality required, it might be very easy to create. Extensionator, for instance, makes it drop dead simple to create a Chrome extension from a Bubble page.

Basically, yes. The Bubble page would appear when the extension is invoked.

That seems like it should be pretty straightforward to do with Bubble, although Etsy authentication might pose a challenge, but that’s a Bubble - not a Chrome extension - thing. The value of having it as an extension is that the Etsy data would be accessible from the browser at any time from any web page.

Yep, i have created exactly for this purpose. Its an easy to use out of the box Chrome Extension Builder for Bubble.