I’ve been struggling to build a caroussel that would behave like the one in the apple appstore : a horizontal carousel showing videos and images + when one swipes, it would move to the next cell exactly.
Meaning : I want to suppress the scrolling inertia and make the next cell “stick” to the left side of the screen. (This is my main issue, i guess i can sort the rest out)
I’ve seen nice plugins helping make a carousel but it is dedicated to images only.
Here is the example i recoreded from the appstore :
Guys, I’ve looked into this. There’s no way to do this totally no-code.
Here’s a great tutorial in one of my fave CSS websites for fun stuff like this. They cover various ways to accomplish the snapping behaviour you’re looking for:
First thanks so much for taking the time to give us hints.
Second… practicaly speaking, I have zero idea how to use this on bubble.
How should I proceed ?
Thanks again for your time !
PS : If anyone is willing to put a plugin that does that on the marketplace, i’d gladly pay for it
@sharma.himanshu0608 I don’t think this was the intent - we want scroll snapping here, not just an infinite scroll.
@pro.sc.conseils great you figured it out! I was toying around with it and I effectively can’t get past the .rows child being an absolute width…
Seeing as the scrolling group is the .RepeatingGroup and the immediate child is a single instance of .rows, the only method of “scroll snapping” is to set absolute values on snap for that one element, which will never work responsively for horiz. scrolling. I guess you could work out the distances manually, or since all .group-item instances are the same size, you could use repeat(calculated_value+px) and get the width with jquery, but that seems like a lot of janky work for something that should be available more easily. So I’m looking forward to seeing how @pro.sc.conseils did it
I have built a plugin for RG caroussel in the past and the main issue I was facing is to readjust element under the caroussel to fill the gap leave by rows that was merged into the caroussel.