I have an app in which I have a RG as follows: -
Under Action title in RG I have three icons. So when I click the trash icon a Popup gets displayed as follows: -
Now from the popup I click Yes Button and I want the entry that is displayed to be deleted from the database. My workflow is as follows: -
Unfortunately that is not happening.
Kindly help.
Vijay Zutshi
Hey @vzutshi22,
You will need the action display data in group/popup
and the data will be current cells.
Thanks for your reply. I am still not able to delete. Let me put my details as follows: -
So I have a RG in which I have a Group audio file as below: -
Now the Group audio file is organized as follows: -
Now from here I click the trash icon. So when I click the trash icon a popup gets displayed.
The popup element is as below: -
In the popup I click Yes button and following is my workflow: -
Workflow trash icon is
Then I have a workflow for the Yes Button as follows:-
It seems I am missing something as the entry does not get deleted.
Kindly help.
Vijay Zutshi
Thanks guys I was able to fix the problem.
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