September 10, 2021, 4:16pm
If you’re serious about this, I’d definitely consider using @lola ’s excellent Daily.co plugin, along with the Mux integration packaged with @pork1977gm ’s spectacular Video.JS plugin. Happy building
Hi all,
I’m working on a free plugin that integrates with the daily video and audio api . With it you can create, update and join video call rooms, choose between a few different video call styles (top-right, bottom, full-screen/center) and create owner only broadcasts.
For now it’s a private plugin as I do a little more testing but it will be public in the next few weeks. However if anyone wants to try it out, share early feedback or recommend additions feel free to PM me!
Hi all,
I’ve released an advanced version of VideoJS plugin (using the latest version of v7.11.4) with a whole bunch of extra stuff included. You can load video, audio and images through it.
VideoJS Advanced + MUX Plugin
It will play all HTML5 playable formats, YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia videos and a handful of audio files. It also supports HLS, DASH, LIVE video streams (.m3u8) and some future HTTP streaming protocols. It…
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