Cannot access all user data through backend workflow and frontend page

I have tried to run a backend scheduled workflow for sending mail. However, when I tried to load all user results, the count shows as 0. I also tried to load the same data on the frontend page, but I can only see the data of the logged-in user. When I logged out, the result became 0. Why is that? And how can I load all user data at once without any authentication?

Privacy rules

You shouldn’t… that sounds like a great way to get user’s private data in the hands of people who shouldn’t have it.

If you need to send emails to a group of users and are being blocked by privacy rules, you can create a backend workflow and set it to ignore privacy rules. When scheduling the workflow from the front end, you should also check the box to ignore privacy rules there as well. Just make sure to perform the search in the backend workflow that way user data won’t be visible to the user who is triggering the workflow

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