I cannot delete text:
Now I cannot specify dynamic conditional.
I had something like this happen last week. Have you tried refreshing your browser? Close it down completely and open it up again. It helped when I was having this issue. Otherwise, it might be a bug. Let me know if that helps first.
Is that after closing out your browser?
Unfortunately, it did not help.
Well, it seems like if it’s not letting you delete an element, then it might just be a bug.
I would probably get in touch with Bubble: https://bubble.io/contact
Hope that helps!
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It is not just not allowing me to delete an element.
I can’t use Bubble Editor at all right now
Really? Wow, let me test mine too.
I seem to be able to use the editor without an issue. Maybe try recording your screen so you can show Bubble what is going on. Otherwise, they might not be able to reproduce the issue. The more info you can give to them, the better. You can try posting the video/screen recording here too, we can try to take a look for you. We can see if there is anything we can notice.
I’ve recorded a video https://youtu.be/CMtxb6NCMBI , where I:
- Tried to duplicate/recreate a group.
- Change workflow trigger element.
- Edit Element’s conditionals.
Take a look and see how to reproduce bugs on your side.
Hey @vovahumnytskiy
I think there might be something I noticed…
Does this only happen in your one app? If you try in a new app does it do the same thing?
I think your page might have too many elements on it. You might need to split up your page and not do a one page app. I think either the browser can’t handle the data, or maybe your computer doesn’t have enough memory or processing power to handle it.
It looks like you might be overloading your browser which is breaking Bubble.
That’s my theory anyways. Others can chime in if they have other ideas.
How much memory does your computer have? What is the processor like? Mac or Windows?
It is at least a problem of a certain account. When I changed account and worked on another app, I haven’t faced any issues.
It is sad to hear, because, I have been working on this app for 1 month. Today was a final day for fixing some bugs, and it is a pitty to face Bubble bugs today.
Windows, 4 GB RAM, I’ve tested editing this app and Google Chrome spent less than 1.5 GB. That page where all the content is handled is slow when I edit it, but as I’ve said, I’ve managed to finish it.
Yeah, I can understand the frustration. I don’t really think it’s a Bubble bug necessarily, it’s just trying to do too much in one page. I think splitting the page up would be a much more optimized way of handling the large amount of workflows and elements on a page.
I only noticed this because when you added a new group it said something like Group DZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, which means you have a lot of groups on the page.
I also think that the problem is not only in my laptop, but also in Bubble Editor performance. It cannot handle large pages.
This is no where near enough ram for what you need to do this type of project. I wouldn’t have less than 16GB. Shoot for 32GB or more if possible. I am surprised you got that far! Wow!
Kudos for getting that far with only 4GBs of RAM