Hello Bubble,
I’d like to know if it is possible to use a checkbox element to display an option’s image?
The scenario, I’m building a video as a service app. Customers submit their requirements for a new video ad, we build it. During the new ad creation process, I ask the user which aspect ratios they want for the ad. This is a repeating group + checkbox combo that populates the cell’s data with an Option Set I’ve built called Aspect Ratio.
Within the Aspect Ratio Option Set, I have a few options for them to select. I also added an “image” attribute which allows me to upload an image for the option. I insert this information into the checkbox’s field.
However, when I test this out, all it shows is the images url in text form, which makes sense as this field is a text field.
My question is, is there a way that I can do this, but display the image instead of the url or file name of the image?