Clearing old versions of shared plugin scripts from browser

Hi all, I’m developing a plugin currently that makes use of a shared script placed in a block in the header and adds a couple of global listeners. However, if I make any changes to that plugin (I am testing in a test app), I end up with multiple listeners being added to the page. No amount of hard refreshes of the browser removes the existing listeners, or clearing cache, restarting browser etc - it seems that somehow bubble is “latching on” to those existing versions.

Has anyone else seen this, or worked out how to truly start with a “clean slate” when testing a plugin?

Can you share plugin settings? Is it an element plugin?

I actually found the issue earlier today - there was some sort of glitch going on in Edge, and the “hard refresh” actually wasn’t clearing the cache. Ended up just clearing the cache manually off the disk, and the issue went away. Definitely unexpected though. Thanks for responding in any case!


Did you use the “clear cache and hard refresh” option or just “hard refresh” ?

Yeah - I had done the “clear cache and hard refresh” numerous times. Closed & reopened browser, etc. - and every time I was finding the script in my “Shared” page was not being updated no matter what I did, while every other plugin component was. Somehow the cache must have been in a knot, as clearing it manually resolved it. Thanks for the reply, in any case.

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I am curious because I use Edge when Bubbling. I just like learning troubleshooting methods for when something similar happens to me.