Click event / Ajuda em evento de clik

Hello guys, I need help
I have a button. When I click on it, I need the number 1 to appear in the box beside it. And when I click again, the number 2 appears and so on.

Ola pessoal preciso de ajuda
Eu tenho um botão. Ao clikar nele, preciso que o número 1 apareça na caixa ao lado dele. E quando eu cliko novamente, o número 2 aparece e assim por diante.

Hi there, @ulissesdev… here is one way to do it… put a button and a text element on the page. Put those two elements into a group, and set the group’s Type of content to number. Then, set the text element to display the Parent group's number. Finally, add the Element Actions >> DIsplay data workflow action to the button, with the Element being the name of the group and the Data to display being Parent group's number + 1. Make sense?

Hope this helps.


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thank you so much for your help @mikeloc helped me a lot

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