Cloudflare working, bubble host not? Any thoughts?

Im unable to access my website and received this plus the error 524. First of all, should I even be using cloudflare or does bubble have a way to do SSL? Second of all how do I fix this? Nothing has been touched and all of a sudden it shuts off. A quick note, the version works.

Hi if you just mean adding SSL to your application, yes Bubble does it for you just head to settings within your application and select settings then go to Domain/email then at the bottom of your page you should see a check box to enable SSL.

Hi there,

No thats already been checked. Im saying if I wanted to get rid of cloudflare where do I input the A records on my google domains? Currently my site is down and its showing that it cant find the cloudflare servers that point to bubble.

Who is your Domain hosted through?

Google domains. Lokey freaking out rn. Its not able to connect anywhere. I just tried deleting the cloudflare and inputting the points in google.


Should be a very easy fix if you just need to connect your domain, to connect a A record to google domains head to Google domains and load up your domain, then select DNS or what ever it’s called scroll to find Custom resource records then add a new record and do this were is says blah blah just replace that with the string its telling you on your app 54. something if im remembering correctly

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I have them both in there and the nameservers are googles default ones. No dice :confused:

Any thoughts?

Can you send a screenshot?

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