Condition not working



Ok I am creating a very basic condition where if a user is signing with an email already in the system a warning text appears but why is not working???

What are the constrains on your search?

email = input email value

Try Search for Users:count is 1

And double check you do have that email in your system. I know you probably do but it’s best to double check - it’s had me a couple of times. Ensure “hide on page load” is ticked too.

If it doesn’t work, it means that that email isn’t in the system. Put a text box on your screen and put “Search for users:count” with the constraint “email = input emails value” and if a 1 appears in that box you know you’ve done it right. if it doesn’t, there’s no email in your system that has that email.

Thanks for answering …i have done everything but still is not working i am able to apply other conditions but not the search to…it seems then when i put the value into the input bubble does not search

Give me 2 minutes I’ll try to recreate what you’re trying to do and I’ll let you know what to do.

thanksss :pray:

I’ve just done it exactly like you want to do by doing what I said above and it works.

It works both with Search for Users:count is 1 or count > 0.

Send me some screenshots and I’ll tell you what needs to change.

I have a count at the top just for reference to make sure it’s working and then the email input field and then the warning text below.

Put the condition on your warning text (not the email input value)

With this constraint

Double check the email is definitely in your system


Make sure your warning text is hidden on page load.

It should be working :slight_smile:


done as you said but still not working now i am wondering if bubble has some problem today

You’re putting the condition on the “Text input email” not the warning text. Put it on the warning text and remove it from the text input email.

even with count>0 still not working

If you want me to fix it for you straight away, you can add me as a collaborater by going to your settings, clicking collaboration and adding my email “” and I’ll fix it for you and you can then remove me from it.

Up to you :slight_smile:

I think you’re putting the condition on the email’s input element. There shouldn’t be any condition on your email input element.

tzuork i tried but i have a free plan so i can not share my app with you however i put the condition just in a normal text to see if is working!!! do i need to use a specific text?

Send a screenshot of your “Already in the system” conditions

I have similar problems with conditions especially with the Search and Count -functions. It must be connected to the database and workflow performance updates they recently made. Now my workflows are useless. :frowning:

I am thinking the same …where are you located? I am in Europe

The text is invisible on the page load

Remove the conditions off the email input value completely, just keep it on the Text : Already in the system. Then type your email in and see if it works.

done it there is not condition at all in the email input but still not working …lol