Any idea why the email validator plugin isnt working built by Bubble? I’ve got a workflow condition on the signup button that only signs up if the check email is exists returns true, otherwise it sets a custom state on the input to show its invalid. However, eventhough I’m using real email addresses, it doesnt pass them as valid.
Just to double check, because this has tripped me up once before. Are you sure you’re referencing the same inputs (ie. do you have two fields on the page named “email” and perhaps you’re entering a value in the wrong one?
As well, I see you have “Invalid” as part of your conditional state - I’m assuming that’s associated with some sort of custom state because Bubble’s built-in text is “isn’t valid”, not “Invalid”?
Yep its the correct input fields, i double checked that!
Invalid is a custom state for the input, so when the email address validated returns ‘no’ by the plugin then i can show conditional styling and placeholder