Conditional Buttons

Hello Friends,

I’m trying to create a page with a written question for the user and options in the form of buttons. When the user makes their choice and clicks one of the buttons it leads them to a different page with a new question and a different set of option buttons until they reach the end.

How would I go about creating this conditional schema in the bubble database?

Or will I have to create a separate page for each option and then have it workflowed to the page for each specific button?

I’m trying to implement a work smarter not harder option for myself.

Much thanks

Hey @caseyomar99 :wave:

You will only have one page for displaying a question and its options. In this page, you will keep the current question number in a custom state. Then, the next button will just select the next question on and on.

See the demo below:

There is only 1 custom state to keep track of the current question in the page:

And the displays are just getting this question from the DB and displaying their options and text:

And finally, all the buttons do is to increase/decrease this number in the custom state:

This should give you some starting point.

If you want to check the editor, here it is: Bubble Demos by Flusk | Bubble Editor

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble

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You’re the best! I’ll give this a try and check the editor, Thanks again Flusk!

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