Connect a godaddy domain

I have upgraded to a paid bubble plan and now im trying to connect my domain.
when I go to settings and enter my domain name, it generates 8 dns records and not 4 as I see it should provide in the different tutorials. 4 as A and another 4 as www type.
when I enter the dns records on godaddy it’s give an error message.
How can I connect the domain to my bubble app?

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If GoDaddy is giving you an error, it’s probably an error with GoDaddy. The tutorials you’re referencing were probably created before the update that now mandates 8 DNS records (4 for subdomains, but 8 for root domains to account for @ and www)

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What is the error you are getting?

I’m having the same issue. I can’t even add the new A record because I get this message:
“Record name www conflicts with another record”
Godaddy has been no help

Yes, it seemed to be godoaddy’s problem. I contacted their support and asked for help, so they configured the DNS from their end and it worked. thanks

I have exactly the same problem. I purchased my domain from GoDaddy because the very straightforward video tutorial (from 2021). So we still need GoDaddy tech support to fix this issue? Any other progress on this?

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On a newly purchased domain GoDaddy use the cname record for the default coming soon page. Remove the existing cname record for “www” and you should be able to add all 8 A records with no issues. You may also need to delete an existing A record for domain builder site.