Hi all. I can’t get Bubble connected to my SQL database in Azure, despite it works well in other applications.
I’ve worked with this string - mysql://sqladmin: + password + @elliottsdb.database.windows.net:1433/elliotts
Done the URL-encoded replacement in the password and tried different versions of the encrypted parameter. (like ?ssl=true&TrustServerCertificate=True)
Nothing works. Does anyone knows how to set it up?
Hi - welcome to the community!
I’ve not replicated this yet, but one thing I noticed is that you’re using “mysql” as the protocol (mysql://…), but this appears to be a MS SQL Server instance. Seems a bit strange to me, but perhaps it’s deliberate?
I’d assume it should start mssql://…
If that’s not the issue, happy to try to help.