Here , I have data thing = product that has a data field = list of tags.
I want to filter the RG of products, by those products that have the tags that are selected in the multiselect dropdown. I do the following.
When I have no tags selected, I expect to receive the only product I have in the database (since I have checked the “Ignore empty constraints” field), but I get nothing.
Does anyone know why? thanks
November 14, 2021, 10:15pm
Below post explains how to get the advanced filter to not filter when nothing is selected…
Hello All,
I need help figuring out how to display/filter a repeating group to show ALL items containing at least one of the selected tags.
Current set-up:
Data Field: Items For Sale
Problem Field: Item For Sale’s “List of Keywords” which is a List of Keywords (not text)
Repeating Group: Data = Do a Search for Items for Sale
Filter1= Contains Dropdown Item for Sales Category
Filter2= Contains Dropdown Item for Sales Owners Name
Filter3(this is what I can’t figure out how to accomplish)= …
January 23, 2022, 8:53pm
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