Thank you Bubble Team for the prompt response and dedication! TGIF for all who’s enjoying a Friday!
Sorry, guys. Really appreciate your patience with this. The good news is our infrastructure alerts caught the crash and alerted us within a couple minutes of it going down. The bad news is that I don’t have a good explanation yet for what happened – looks like one of our database servers stopped responding, but without any corresponding increase in CPU or memory or disk or any of the other usual suspects. Restarted the database resolved the problem. Am still investigating…
Glad you caught it thanks for the headsup!
Anyone not yet monitoring your apps you might need something like this I am not affiliated but use the premium plan (but there is a free plan!) which is cheap as and I always get notified before bubble Status.
How does that help in actual benefit though? It’s not like you would have time to put up a message on the front end to customers - or do you do that? Are you in Sydney Steven?
@cellis1014 Yep In Australia - Hobart.
I have a manual process ready but plan on doing an auto notification to users.
At the very least it gets me ready for the phone call from the customer - some times I swear they are sitting next to the phone just waiting!
that’s cool shall check it out
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