Status page says all systems operational but my editor and apps are not loading.
{"message":"Operation timed out -- app too busy","statusCode":400,"args":{"bubble_code":"1560982985121x571696517351596700"}}
Status page says all systems operational but my editor and apps are not loading.
{"message":"Operation timed out -- app too busy","statusCode":400,"args":{"bubble_code":"1560982985121x571696517351596700"}}
I think Bubble is down again today, mine is not working either. Again…
I am having the same issue. Seems to be a bubble wide issue. Sitting here watching for an update.
Just sent email.
I just got this error as well as similar errors in test as well as production…
Was working fine minutes ago.
Unexpected error, please try again shortly. (Reason: bal)
Same here twice today I just shut down and tried again in a few minutes.
Ok thanks for clarifying it’s not just me.
Same here.
Just updated. Minor outage.
It probably takes the system more than seconds to realize there are issues
This is even impacting my application, not just the editor today.
Just when I were putting in my card details, great!
@Josh can you provide a better, legible message for my users when this happens.
Mine is back up and running again.
up and running!
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