Crash! Operation timed out -- app too busy","statusCode":400

Bubble is crashing again… cant even open the editor just get this

{“message”:“Operation timed out – app too busy”,“statusCode”:400}

@josh… more crashing in the editor now

Crashing. Won’t load.

Same - I’m able to load some apps, but no data is loading for anything. Some apps won’t load at all. Here are some messages from different apps:

Your browser was unable to load the application data. We’ve been notified of the issue. Please try again in a few moments and make sure not to use ad-blockers.


{“message”:“Operation timed out – app too busy”,“statusCode”:400}

This says there’s a minor service outage:

Same! “Your browser was unable to load the application data. We’ve been notified of the issue. Please try again in a few moments and make sure not to use ad-blockers.”

I guess i should update the apps are down now too… seemed the editor went first then the apps. Not sure that means much but thats just what i saw

Are you still in Bali Gaby? I heard you were down there.

I love how bubble itself never goes down??? yet it runs on bubble… just fine while everyone else is crashing… what do i have to do to get on a server that doesn’t crash every day

Unexpected error, please try again shortly. (reason: bal, code: 477964)

my homepage looks like I don’t have any apps :exploding_head::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

message “Operation timed out – app too busy”
statusCode 400

here is hoping customers are at lunch!

prob cause they were just hacked and sold off for 1 bitcoin a piece on the black app market :slight_smile:

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Playing with a VPN, looks like all regions are affected

I’m just wondering if I pay the $230 AUD a month for a Team plan whether it would still go down like this. That plan is expensive for a start-up when uptime is lower than industry standard.

Think you need a dedicated!

i dunno… im not sure if you get an isolated server for that price… and not sure that would matter. no idea how their whole infrastructure works.

BACK up and running

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I’m back too!

@cellis1014 Currently in Thailand :slightly_smiling_face: so I still have a full day ahead of me!