I am beginning the process of building a market place using stripe for subscription products. Right now, all my credit card processing logic is done using the Stripe JS plugin but is only for processing subscription payments between the users of the app as buyers and myself as the seller. I want to add the functionality for my users to also create products they sell on a subscription basis.
I was reading the stripe docs and noticed they have three options for Stripe Connect: Standard, Express, and Custom. From a Bubble perspective, does anyone have any experience/thoughts related to the relative benefits and drawbacks of these three options?
If you have a standard account, your sellers need their own Stripe account and will be redirected to Stripe when connecting to your platform. Plus side is that it’s free.
Express and custom let you onboard sellers more gracefully, custom lets your sellers register on your site completely. The downside is that it has a significant cost: https://stripe.com/us/connect/pricing
I’m using Standard accounts in my app. I’m not an expert but If you’re wondering about something feel free to ask.
Thanks @marcuslate! So what’s the general logic when using standard, is it something like: User clicks link in your app to go to stripe -> creates accounts -> returns to your app -> enters their account details -> then creates products, plans, etc. from within you app
Your user clicks a “connect” button in your app > goes to stripe either log in if he already has an account or registers a new one > redirects back to Bubble’s static URL and you save their “Stripe Seller ID” in a custom field. Use that seller ID in workflows to modify things in Stripe from your platform.
Keep in mind Stripe.js actually does not have a “connect” workflow (For standard accounts), so use Bubble’s default Stripe plugin for that. I actually asked CoPilot to add it to Stripe.js but they said they were busy atm, maybe later.
No I haven’t noticed any conflict. Just make sure to use the same API keys on both.
I also noticed Stripe is running a promo for new users that covers your first 5000 custom connect accounts for free. Might want to check that out:
Stripe will waive account fees on 5,000 accounts per month for new users who sign up between now and June 30, 2019. Related Stripe accounts can only receive this promotion once. This means if your company has multiple Stripe accounts or operates different legal entities, but all accounts are related to the same parent company, the promotion will only apply to the first 5,000 active accounts. Users must also be on the integrated pricing plan to qualify for the promotion.
Thanks for the heads up on that promo - it definitely makes custom options more attractive. Now I just have to figure out if my users would be more comfortable entering their sensitive personal info required for payouts in stripes website rather than mine, which is a good argument in favor of using the standard option.
The Stripe Bubble plugin is really simple for using Connect. This is my workflow when signing a user up as a seller:
Register User as a Seller (under the payments actions; this will bring the user to Stripe’s website so they can put in all of their info and create a stripe acct, you will have to set the redirect URI in your stripe dashboard to https://bubble.io/poststripeauth so that it brings you back to your page) > Make Changes to User (create a text field and save 'Current User’s Stripe Seller Account’s ID)
Access this value whenever you want to create a charge to send to this user or anything like that. What I described here is the basic workflow for getting started - everything else will depend on the specifics of your app.
Wow, @ryanellman! Thanks A BUNCH I’ve just set it up following your steps. Could you please let me know if it makes sense to you? When somebody clicks on the button “Setup Stripe account”, this is the 1st step on the workflow:
Ironically, I was confused about the same thing because I was not sure if the workflow continues after the user is redirected back to your app from the stripe signup form. But I tested it out and thats exactly how it works.
Wow… I have to say I think I would have not been able to set it up without your help! Very happy, since this looks like the most elegant way to allow sellers to setup a way to get paid without me having to know anything about those transactions Amazing, thanks a lot, @ryanellman! I’ll test it ASAP!
My pleasure! @marcuslate taught me so I am more than happy to pay it forward on something I had trouble with and received help on also
I agree this is the most elegant way - I am in the US but a lot of my customer’s will be coming from Germany/Austria it seems. This saves me the headache of having to build multiple interfaces for sellers in multiple countries, let alone trying to figure out compliance (tax forms, etc.) for multiple countries.
Good luck and let me know if there is anything else I can do to help!
Hello guys Do you know any app that uses that process to register the user as a seller and if so in which way sending the user to another link in this case stripe may afect user experience or even user willingness to use the app.
Many thanks for this, it looks good !
I dont understand how to set if connected account are Standard / express / for the seller. Do you have any idea ?
Once it set, how do i get the good link for the “register as a seller”, sending my user at the right place ?
Id like to have only express connected account.
Hey, yes indeed, only standard.
To create express account I I think you can do it just by redirecting your users to a specific url, given by stripe (you should look at the doc and the dashboard, I think I saw it but I am not sure.
I finally choose to create custom account using Home made Api call with the API connector
And I use some usefull call / elements from the stripe JS plugin.
Hey, I appreciate this thread is a year old but I’ve found it to be best on the forum on this topic. So one last question, once the seller is setup with a standard connect account, how are you capturing payments from customers to go into the correct seller’s account (minus any commission or fee)?
The Stripe hosted payment form looks to be the easiest but I’m not sure if I can use this and “pass” it the amount to be paid from the previous page or whether I can even pass it the seller ID. If this is not possible, please could you help advise how I would do this, including which plugin to use?(standard bubble stripe plugin or stripe.js?)
My requirements are:
The “customer” to be able to set their own price / amount to pay on a seller “profile” page
On the next page, the customer to enter their card details, pay and the amount to go direct to the seller account minus my platform fee
Not quite related to stripe but as a side note, the “seller” page will have it’s own unique Url for sharing