Creating an Invoicing Functionality

Hi all, I am developing an application in which I would like users to be able to create and send invoices, allowing them to receive payments. Could anyone help walk me through setting this up? I’d imagine the Stripe plugin would come into play, however I want each user to be able to link their own Stripe or payment platform account. Thank you.

You should start by watching this video to understand it first (created by Bubble people):

It should give you a good idea of how to integrate it into your system. Then, if you are stuck at some point, you can ask questions here.

Thanks for your reply. I understand all of this, however, what I don’t know is how I could allow for users to connect their own stripe account and create invoices which would directly be processed to their account.

You just create products in stripe for your services and on a click or a workflow action, you call the appropriate action that will lead the user to the stripe page. From then on, it is stripe’s responsibility. It provides the user interface etc everything itself and just returns the result to you.

In my application for example, a button takes the user to my product in stripe. It is user’s responsibility if they want to login to their stripe account or just put their card info to the stripe page. See the demo below:

And the button I clicked in the page just does these two actions:

You see the condition. It is the result of stripe subscribe the user… action.

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Thanks for the detail! I think I may have been a bit unclear in my post. I am referring to a SaaS applications where I would have users sending invoices to their own clients and receiving payments.

Bumping this.

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