creating drop-down menu that changes color

Personally, my question is how can I leave each selected option with a custom color such as green for “delivered”, red for “stopped” and orange for “In Progress” of the status of a task

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create an option set and set a conditional that when the option sets option is delivered the colour is green, stopped is red etc.

sim, é muito facil de fazer até

só ir em conditional e pedir para ele puxar a informação corespondente
[em andamento/Parado/Entregue]
dai fala se informação = Entregue → cor sera verde
e assim por diante, se nn estiver conseguindo fazer manda o link do seu app em uma mensagem para mim que eu faço

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You can do this directly in the conditional field in the Element. Follow this step-by-step guide here and you won’t miss anything:

  1. In your element, go to the “Condition” tab.
  2. In “When” write your condition: value=“DESIRED_VALUE”.
  3. Select the property you want to change

Since in your case you have 3 options, you can leave one of them as the element’s default color and create two more conditions, one for each desired value.

Take a look at the image I’m sending here.

If you have any questions, just comment here and I’ll help you.

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