Would someone please let me know why Bubble current location is always a place in USA.
I am using IP Geo and IpIphy.
Would someone please let me know why Bubble current location is always a place in USA.
I am using IP Geo and IpIphy.
Use the Mapbox Plugin to track a user’s location
But I prefer to start with free options first.
Are you using a VPN set up to be in USA? I use this plugin, even added it to a new project last night and have no issues with it.
MapBox is free for up to 50,000 calls.
Good to know.
I think I found the issue.
I had a workflow on page load to set user’s current location while I was on VPN. Then when I checked my app using shortcut on my phone, user’s current location was already set to wrong location.
Figured there was a VPN involved…glad you got it sorted.
Are you having any issues with the iphy plugin by Bubble?
I am getting this error
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