Hi Everyone
I have built a custom map, embedded onto my bubble as an HTML Java Script code. The user is able to search an address, and then drag the marker to a specific location. The Java Script provides the latitude and longitude as output.
I am currently facing 2 issues
I would like to record the geo-coordinates into the bubble database from the custom map. I am not able to call the HTML code as dynamic text to facilitate this purpose in the workflows. How would I resolve the issue to allow the data to be pulled into bubble DB?
In general, the marker only becomes visible once the user has searched for a valid address the first time in the searchbox. While running the java script code outside of bubble, the geo co-ordinates updates when one drags the icon. However, the embedded bubble version isn’t updating the geo co-ordinates when dragging the same marker. So user searches > marker becomes visible with result address > user drags marker to new location > location data gets updated (latitude and longitude). Bubble however won’t detect the javascript code for the marker when being dragged therefore the location data isn’t being updated when the user drags the marker to a new location. it seems as if bubble is only allowing us to run the code once.
Really would appreciate any tips, advice, hacks or anything !
Thank you in advance everyone !!