Data detail popup edit form

Hay There,

I’ve made a form where users can submit a listing but now i need the user to be able to edit it.

what I’m trying to do:
User Clicks edit (popup with form with the inputs fill with the listings details)

so what is your problem ?

Okay so I want the input value to show in the input section

Eg user has posted a post with the values being

Shop name
Shop catalogue
Shop address
Shop IMG
Shop times

So now the data is on the database
I would like the user to edit that info in another form. So when the user click the edit button I need the data value to be pre filled in the input boxes

At the moment the user has to fill all the inputs again to update it

Have you set inputs’s “Initial content” with the data from your database ?

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Thanks for all the help i have figured it out.

so for the input “initial content” use parent groups data to put the info and display it.

and thank you Nicolasdap for your help.

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How do I set the initial content when I have the field set to a dynamic dropdown?