Data migration from Bubble to another platform

Hi folks,
I’ve been wondering something about the data generate by my app. Is it possible to migrate all the data from Bubble? I mean, could we export all the data generated for our app to a schema that could be imported into another tool different from Bubble?

Hey @cdmunoz :wave:

I don’t see why not. :man_shrugging: Also, you could use an external database and then not have to export anything at all. Either way should work. :blush:

Also, welcome to the Bubble Community! :tada:

thanks for your answer @J805
under this scenario: I have my app running, it’s been working well (with a Bubble database) and I have several thousands of records in different views (tables) … let’s say that my app is going to be bought and the buyer asks me about the data and that they want to have it available …
I see I can export each table as CSV or JSON … but as far as I understand, the tables in Bubble works as Objects, because we relate each table with a reference to the other, not with single Ids like relational databases …
So I don’t know what to answer to the given buyer.
Am I clear with the question?

When you export the data, it will have the unique id of the relating data record. You can test it out and see what I mean. :blush:

you could also use the API of the app to get all the data out.


Yes, you can export all data generated by your Bubble app. Use the Data tab to download CSV files of your app data, which can then be imported into other tools. Ensure the target tool supports CSV import and adjust the schema as needed for compatibility.

For exporting your Bubble data, automated, scheduled, securely stored in your region, unlimited records …… consider

So getting data out of Bubble can be very easy.

In beta is easy tooling to copy your Bubble database into other databases … and contact me if that is interesting.

I understand exactly what you mean about restoring the foreign key relationships in your Bubble database into a relational database. You also have option-sets to map into a relational database when migrating from Bubble. So there is more to database migration than import CSV files. Tricky but not impossible :slightly_smiling_face: