Data Migration - Issues with Created By field

Hi there,
I have tried to find a solution in the forum, but I did not manage it. I need your help guys.

I am at the point where I need to migrate my database from an existing one to Bubble.

Here is some background. I have a few Data Types:

  1. User (common fields for both supplier and client) like email, password, name, ect…
  2. Supplier
  3. Client

I managed to upload the User Data Type. When I upload the Client Data Type info, the system creates all the fields and assigns the “Created by” to App Admin.

I would like to assign each record to its related User instead of the App Admin, but I have no idea how to do this.

Thank you very much for your help!

Hi there, @francesco1… to do what you described, you would have to create and manage your own Created by field because you cannot manipulate the built-in field.


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Thanks @mikeloc for your answer and sorry for my late answer.

This means I have to connect my Supplier Data Type with a new field “Created By” into my User Data Type to connect the two Data Types. Would this affect the app in any way in your opinion?

Would you do it differently?

A bit late but I was facing the same problem.

What you can do is create a ‘passive’ workflow that is triggered by the relevant user.

For example you add the migration workflow to the succesfull login of a user so that the migrated data will be triggered by the user that is logged in (you may add a notification for example if it takes a bit of time) and migrates the data related to that user.

You will need take some steps to make sure the workflow is triggered only once (e.g. boolean at the User) that is the condition to check to perform the workflow, but guess that is easy.