I have a repeating group listing Sessions. Each session contains an unlimited number of deals (card deals - this is for the card game bridge) You can have several sessions, with different players, going on at the same time. Therefore you need to be able to revisit a particular sessions list of deals at any time. In the repeating group listing sessions I thefefore have a button “continue session”. This should open up the list of already played deals in that particular session.
The workflow looks like this:
It is very simple: Go to page dealslist and send the current cell’s Session. The problem is that when the dealslist page is opened, it is blank.
I have made sure that the dealslist Type of content is Session, so that should not be the problem. Also, if the Type of content didn’t match I would get an error. When I inspect the dealslist page that has opened, I can see that the Session content is set to empty, so no Session has been received.
When I run the workflow in slow motion I can see that a Session is sent and that it contains data, so there is something that is being sent.
This ought to be a simple and easy-to-understand operation, but I cannot for the life of me figure out where it goes wrong. I could of course use URL parameters instead, but that is creating a slightly more complex solution to a problem that shouldn’t exist in the first place. Any input is deeply appreciated.
Did you make sure that every group/container between the page level and the element that shows the data has the same data type (Session) and that its data source is its Parent Group’s Session (or Page’s Session, etc.)? This is where I usually make mistakes: I leave some of those fields blank or I miss a group. Once I have them filled in, the data shows up.
Thanks for your assistance, and I understand your questions. However, I do think that I have done that correctly. I print the Session name in each item in the repeating group, so I know there is session information there.
When I debug the workflow a Session is surely sent:
When I inspect the dealslist page, that should be the recipient of the Session, it looks like this:
And finally, I have made sure that the Type of content on the receiving end is Session:
It just struck me: Will Bubble always send the data to the page level of the Page that is opened? I have assumed this is the case, since you get an error if the type of information that is sent does not match the Type setting on the page that is opened.
Yes, you’re correct. It sends it to the page level of the page you’re going to.
In your second screenshot, how did you get the debugger to show the page level? I have it set to Step-by-Step, but the debugger section collapses when navigating to a new page, and I can’t find a way to expand and show it. But the dimensions of the element it’s showing (1080 wide by 945 high) tell me it must be the page level.
As for the repeating group, you need to set the data type and source not only of the first cell, but also of the repeating group itself, and any containers the repeating group is inside, all the way up to the page level. This is my question from earlier. If you’ve checked that, I don’t know what the issue could be. Maybe a more experienced dev could answer.
Thanks! Your initial question solved the problem. The answer to your question is that I didn’t get the debugger to show the data type on page level. Turns out that a long time ago i created a custom state that I called Session. So, when you see Session, it is the custom state, not the page info. When I created the dealslist page (also a long time ago) I based the logic on the custom state Session, not the page’s Session. Problem solved! Thanks a million!!!
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