I was built a page that works with URL segments like //siteurl.co/pagename/parent-data-slug/child-data-slug. This will load parant data and child data as a page content, This has been used for emails and sharing on social media without any problems. However, I recently tried to navigate within the site using these data segments, but the ‘go to page’ action only has one option for URL segment parameters. I don’t see an option for child URL segment parameters. I see ‘Send more params to the page,’ but it works as ‘GET’ key-value params. How can I send additional params as URL segment params?
I don’t fully get what you’re looking to do, but take a look at this posting for a helpful test of the ‘path’ v ‘path segments’ actions.
Thank you for the answer, but the mentioned post was not helpful for my needs. I need to load a page like this:
But not like this //site.com/pagename/param1?param2=value2
However, ‘go to page’ only allows for param1 in the URL path.
So you do not want param1 to be the path and param2 to be a parameter
In Bubble when you use the go to page action your data to send is mandatory if the page you are navigating to as a page content type sent, and if so, the data you send is the data entry of that type you want the page to display. This will result in the URL path being either the slug of that data entry or if the slug is empty the unique id of that entry.
When you are navigating with the go to page action you can set parameters as well, which is not tied into the data to send at all.
My assumption of why you are doing this is not just for navigating and displaying information, but also potentially in an attempt for getting some SEO benefits from a well structured URL, and if so, the use of a parameter is not recommended as parameters in some instances reduce potential SEO benefits.
If you want to send a path list to a page and want to use the go to page action to navigate to the page, the page can not have a content type set, which makes it so when you use the go to page action you can use the data to send input with text, which would be the URL path list you want to display.
This means you need to not set a content type on the page and you need to use the send data as text.
Thank you for replying.
Yes, this is the structure of the URL: //siteurl.com/page_name/parent_rec_slug/child_rec_slug
For example: //siteurl.com/training/sell-deals/affiliate
This is how it is currently set up and SEO indexed.
This will load a list of sell-deals.//siteurl.com/training/sell-deals/affiliate
This will load a specific record in the sell-deal list.
when you send data it will only let you add one path. A work around for this is to use arbitrary text. and add
//siteurl.com/training/sell-deals/ as a text field.
When you set parameters it should then add ?key=value infront of whatever you entered before
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