I’m a Bubble newbie trying to decide if it’s the right platform for my organisation. Generally I love it but I’m starting to get serious concerns about the database side of things and like to get people’s thoughts and advice. I’m happy to accept my perceptions are wrong!!!
the database UI sucks BIG style. Table creation for anything approaching a more complex structure is extremely clunky and the amount of clicks to create a table is crazy. Added to the the data entry for data is even worse. If I want to add a bunch of rows why can’t I add them direct to a table?
How can I perform database queries that are then used in data updates?
e.g. a have 3 tables - user, document and user_documents
I need to create one row in user_documents for each document, for each user because each user needs to read and acknowledge the document.
What’s the best way to achieve that? I’m considering using Xano rather that Bubble’s own database but want to know if that’s the best approach
Yes, not for the reasons you state though. It sucks for viewing / editing data from the database.
Not really. A couple of clicks for each field. Create your data types first, then create the fields.
You only need a User data type and Document data type.
Have a User field on the Document data type. Then, you’d find a user’s Documents using Do a search for Documents with a constraint such that User = Current User. You don’t need a join table.
How would I then track that each user has acknowledged it. Can’t store that data against the user or the document, it is for each user for each document
Then have a table ‘User Document’ with fields like ‘readDate’ for when they opened it, ‘signedDate’ for when they signed it etc. Same as any other SQL database
When I upload a new document how would I create a record for that document for each user?
If I have 3 users I’d want to create 3 rows in the User Document table so that I can record the status as the acknowledge it
In the UI (later) I’d log in a user and want to see the documents I have to approve . That would be a query on User Document table but also retrieving data from the document table too
The best way to find out is to try it and ask here if you have a specific problem
When a user uploads to a file uploader, create a new Document. Set a file field on the document to the file uploader’s value.
If you want to invite users to the document by email, have an input for their email and a button, and when the button is clicked, email a link to the user and create a new User Document
The user won’t upload the document someone else will, it then gets allocated to the users by adding to the link table. I can’t see how I can add a row to the link table for each user
Here is the basic idea where when you upload a file, it will create a User Document per user user-docs | Bubble Editor
You would want to have a page where the user only sees documents assigned to them, then that would set the User Document's acknowledgeDate date field to Current date/time
Please note once the file is uploaded it schedules a backend workflow for each User, you will find that workflow here: