Database structure!

I’m pretty new to Bubble and trying to figure out the best way to structure my database. Essentially the app involves users selecting what city they live in and then what small business they are apart of within that city. There will be around 12 cities for users to choose from and within each city there are ~1000 small businesses to select (I have a CSV of these). Once the user has selected the small business they are involved with, they are in a group - which shows other users within that small business along with the ability to make posts solely to that group and message people within that group via a list of all the group members.
I’m really not too sure where to start but the database needs to store: a) messages sent between users b) posts sent within the group c) users d) small businesses e) cities.

Would really appreciate any help at this early stage! Thank you.

Hello and welcome!

It seems your list (a. b., c. etc…) is a really good place to start. Then you can link different data types (things) to each other. For instance, when you’ve built out e)Cities, you can make a “field” in c)users and d)small businesses that has a “type” e)cities. Then, when you have cities in your database - you can add an e)city to each c) and d).

Another thing to look at is linking by list. If you search for @fayewatson on the forum, she has a detailed explanation of how to build a messaging function. Somewhere. I don’t remember. It involves creating a few data types with list fields. Look around you’ll find it :slight_smile:

Any roadblocks, we’re here for you.

Happy bubbling!