Date, Time and Currency by Ritz7

Our plugin makes handling date and time a breeze. It offers a variety of features including:

→ Retrieving country name, capital, continent, ISD code, currency code, and timezone by sending a country code.

→ Retrieving country code, capital, continent, ISD code, currency code, and timezone by sending a country name.

→ Retrieving country name, capital, continent, ISD code, currency code, and country code based on the user’s present timezone.

→ Retrieving currency exchange value by sending the from currency and the to currency.

->Splitting date and time for getting available slots in increments of 30 mins, 45 mins, 1 day, 3 months etc. This can also consider the busy slots of non-available days in between. This function is particularly helpful for calendar booking.

→ Adding date value and time value.

→ Getting time in words like “a few minutes ago”, “a week ago”, “next week” and so on.

→ Getting week information like first day of the week, last day of the week, and last date of that particular month.

→ Adding working days by sending a date and number of days to add, along with an option to mention which are the working days.

→ Retrieving the count of working days between two dates by sending two dates and a list of working dates.


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