Dates Not Importing Correctly

Hi there,

I have just discovered that when I upload data into my databases, all the dates go back one day. For example a date in the spreadsheet will say 5/21/20, but will appear in my database as 5/20/20. I have no idea why. This happens when I upload data as an admin on the backend and also in the UI.

Has anyone every experienced this or have any suggestions?


Bubble uses the user browser’s date. Recommend that you check the logic that assigned the date in the Bubble dB vs the external spreadsheet.

Where would I check that logic?

When I create a new thing via a workflow, the date is assigned correctly. It’s when uploading that it does not match. I’m not sure how to check that.

What does uploading mean? … Are you sending data to an outside database?

I am uploading data via CSV from the backend

Working with dates is tricky. It may well be that your csv dates are formatted differently than your browsers.

Thanks for posting that other thread! I searched around before and didn’t find anything, but I think that is the issue I am having as well.
Thanks for your help!

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